
NWF   |   October 7, 2008

If you’re visiting for the first time (perhaps linking over from DotEarth, a blog we follow regularly), welcome!The Campus Ecology program here at NWF promotes
climate leadership and sustainability among colleges and universities
by providing resources, creating networking
opportunities and organizing education events.

In that spirit, we have many resources for schools, such as coordinator support, publications, national events and broadcasts. Many are designed to help campus staffers (such as the Report Card or the Guide to Climate Action Planning) while others are motivated largely by students, such as our annual Chill Out competition.

This blog, where you should feel free to browse and comment, is not to break news, but rather to discuss campus sustainability and track trends in climate work on campus. Blogs are always more meaningful as participation grows, so I’d like to hear from you on individual posts and even on the kind of thing you’d like to read in future.

Finally, if you ARE looking for news, check out ClimateEdu, our twice-monthly online newswire. We do our best to cover interesting campus projects that are breaking new ground in climate action, but are always looking for new stories, so feel free to contact one of the editors with ideas. Look for changes on the landing page in the near future, as it’s a new publication and we’re still working out a few programming bugs.

As always, glad to have you around. Let me know in the comments or by email if there’s more we can do, projects we need to cover, or interesting developments in the campus scene that we can discuss here. 

Published: October 7, 2008