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NWF: Obama’s Budget Sets Right Priorities in Tough Times
President Obama has sent a $3.8 trillion budget blueprint to Congress. The budget assumes passage of deficit-neutral legislation for a comprehensive market-based climate change policy to cut nationwide global warming pollution about 17 percent by 2020 and more than 80 percent by 2050. The plan would also eliminate some fossil fuel subsidies, saving an estimated $40 billion over the next decade.
Here’s what National Wildlife Federation President & CEO Larry Schweiger had to say about the budget plan:
President Obama’s budget strikes the right balance in tough times, slashing taxpayer subsidies to oil companies and instead investing in clean energy jobs without increasing the national deficit.
Importantly, the president has called for a climate bill that is deficit neutral while investing polluter payments to invest in clean energy technologies, help Americans on their energy bills, and help deal with the impacts of climate change here at home and in poor nations. That’s good news for consumers, for workers, and for wildlife.
The budget he presents indicates his strong desire to sign comprehensive and bipartisan clean energy and climate legislation this year, and he continues to show his willingness to work across party lines on a bill that delivers on real pollution limits, clean energy jobs and energy independence.
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