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Smokey Bear Lives On, But Budget Cuts in Congress Loom Large
Great news for Smokey Bear! An American icon has been spared from the axe (for now).
Thanks are due to wildlife advocates nationwide, who spoke out in the past week via Facebook posts, Tweets and other efforts and served notice that they wouldn’t stand idly by while Congress put Smokey and his family on the federal budget chopping block.
If you haven’t been following along, a little background:
Yesterday, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Congressman Scott DesJarlais announced the “winner” of the Republican “You Cut” program, a year-old attempt to cut government programs as selected by public internet voting.
Rep. DesJarlais had designated the Forest Service ‘green school’ curricula as an example of “issue-oriented advocacy” that is “inappropriate” for public funding, so there was a chance it would be wiped out.
The Congressman failed to note that the amazing U.S. Forest Service Conservation Education programs happen to be home to Smokey Bear…
We’re thrilled that people who care about conservation answered the bell and saved Smokey! He has inspired kids for decades to get outdoors and explore nature, a goal shared by NWF’s Ranger Rick, and saved lives and millions of dollars by educating kids and the public about preventing forest fires.
Take Action to Save Smokey’s Friends!
While Smokey lives another day, many other critical programs that help protect America’s wildlife are in danger. Take action today to help keep funding crucial for wildlife conservation off the federal budget chopping block.