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A Fight for Real Food – Food Revolution Day
The second annual Food Revolution Day on May 17 is fast approaching but there are still plenty of ways to get involved!
Learning how to cook is one of the most valuable skills you can ever obtain. These skills were once passed down from generation to generation, but now millions of people lack even the most basic skills — as a result, it’s costing millions of lives and billions of dollars to cope with the increase in diet-related diseases. We need to get back to basics and share our cooking skills and knowledge so that everyone has access to good, nutritious food from scratch.
Food Revolution Day is a global day of action for people to make a stand for good food and essential cooking skills. It’s a chance for people to come together within their homes, schools, workplaces, and communities to cook and share their kitchen skills, food knowledge and resources. Food Revolution day aims to raise awareness about the importance of good food and better food education for everyone.
Eco-Schools USA, through our Sustainable Food and Healthy Living pathways, are proud to support and participate in Food Revolution Day.
What can you do for Food Revolution Day at school:
- Get students excited about fresh produce by planting fruit and vegetable seeds on the day. Cress is a nice and easy starting point, as well as lettuce or tomatoes.
Food Revolution Day - Download the Food Revolution Day Yogurt Pops recipe and give students a healthy dessert idea by showing them how to whip up the ingredients and freeze them in plastic molds. Click the link to find other recipe ideas.
- Bring different fruits and vegetables into class and get students to taste them and guess what they are. If they’re older get them to do a blind taste test. Also discuss seasonality of fruits and vegetables – eating seasonally is a good thing – produce tends to be cheaper and tastier and it’s better for the environment!
- Arrange a tour of the local farmer’s market.
- Utilize the tools found at our Eco-Schools USA Food Revolution Day page.
- Need more ideas? Check out this Food Revolution Day School Ideas Google Hangout.
Watch and join Jamie Oliver along with millions all over the world in the fight for REAL FOOD!