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Wild Campfire Songs
Song Chords from The Whizpop’s Ranger Rick Trail Mix Volume 1

Singing around the fire is a beloved pastime for many campers, and this year, we have some fun wildlife-themed music to add to the mix! In celebration of the Great American Campout, the Whizpops have provided us with chords to a few songs from their endangered wildlife-themed album, Ranger Rick’s Trail Mix Volume 1.
These chords and lyrics are sure to help make your group, be it kids or adults, happy campers. Check out some fun facts about the wildlife that inspired these songs, and download the chord sheets below.
Swift Fox

What sort of fox is about the size of a house cat and runs super fast? The swift fox! The swift fox is nocturnal and spends most of its time in its den, but you might catch a glimpse of it during the early morning hours, or just as the sun is setting. Swift foxes eat rabbits, prairie dogs, ground squirrels, mice, birds, reptiles, amphibians, berries and seeds, so look for places that offer these food opportunities!
Download Song ChordsBlack-footed Ferret

What mammal is related to skunks and wolverines, and loves to eat prairie dogs? The Black-footed ferret! This endangered species is one of the rarest mammals in North America. It is very unlikely anyone would see one in the wild. They are nocturnal and are so hard to find that for years they were thought to be extinct. But, they were accidentally rediscovered near Meeteetse, Wyoming when a ranch dog named Shep caught one. They are found only in areas that support prairie dog colonies.
Download Song ChordsWalrus

What mammal loves to eat shellfish while sporting a serious mustache? The walrus! If you’re thinking about traveling to Alaska for the summer, or if that’s where you already live, you might consider making a special trip to see this marvelous mustached mammal!
Some extensive planning and resources may be needed, but it can be done. Each summer, thousands of male walruses take to the land in what’s called a haulout, and this is probably something you will never forget! You can even camp out on the same island (Round Island). Be very careful though, and keep your distance. Walruses can weigh up to 3,000 pounds and can be very dangerous.
Download Song ChordsBull Trout

What sort of fish has light spots on its back, and no teeth on the roof of its mouth? The bull trout! You can find Bull Trout in the clear, clean, cold, and connected waters of the Pacific Northwest. While finding fish might seem difficult, especially when they are threatened, it can be done! You can build your own underwater viewer to help you see the fish more clearly so that you can identify them.
Download Song ChordsRemember: If you do find endangered or threatened wildlife species, enjoy them at a distance because they really do need to be left alone to recover.