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Will Migratory Birds Win at the Polls in the Golden State?

With their long, upturned bills and striking coloration, avocets are a striking migratory bird that depend on the Golden State’s wetlands. However, pollution and contaminants in California waterways dampen successful breeding seasons and destruction of wetlands destroys essential habitat.
The potential benefits of the 2018 California Water Bond for wildlife cannot be understated. In addition to funding acquisition and protection of migratory bird habitat, Prop 3 will also fund restoration of San Francisco Bay’s wetlands. And the benefits extend past the coasts: Prop 3 will fund water and infrastructure improvements for wildlife refuges in the Central Valley.

When it comes to healthy waterways, it’s often the case that what’s good for wildlife, is good for people, too! While improving water quality in lakes and streams, Prop 3 will also help combat future droughts and take action to help the more than 1 million Californians without access to clean water.
Passage of Prop 3 will help restore migratory bird habitat and improve the health of California’s waterways. Healthy habitats, uncontaminated waterways, and abundant wildlife—that’s what the 2018 California Water Bond is all about. From famous coastlines to the creeks and streams that flow through national and state parks, California is synonymous with conservation leadership and unrivaled outdoor recreational experiences.