Voting for Our Planet: Environmental Justice & the 2024 Elections

In the heart of every election lie crucial choices that extend far beyond party lines—choices reverberating in our changing climate and the distant cries of the disenfranchised. In this election, every voter should make their voice heard since lawmakers make decisions affecting the planet and matters of environmental justice (EJ). EJ is not just a political stance; it’s about safeguarding the delicate balance between humanity and nature. Our democracy and the health and wellness of our communities have always intersected. As we stand on the precipice of the 2024 election, voters get the opportunity to recognize the urgency and those intersections—all paths to a thriving democracy must include environmental justice.

Environmental justice is central to democracy

Environmental justice is not some abstract concept, it’s a reality and lifeline for communities disproportionately burdened by environmental hazards. These communities, often low-income, and predominantly consisting of Black, Latine, and other marginalized groups, bear the brunt of pollution, climate change, and ecological degradation. Neglecting EJ perpetuates inequality and risks the lives of our most vulnerable communities. A commitment to EJ is not just a step toward a sustainable nation, but also one that is fair and just for all. 

EJ transcends politics—it’s about ensuring everyone has clean air, safe water, and a healthy environment, regardless of zip code or socioeconomic status. As voters, we have the power to shape the trajectory of our nation. Communities across the country are grappling with the devastating impacts of environmental injustice, from exposure to hazardous industrial emissions in places like Louisiana’s Cancer Alley to unsafe living conditions near polluting oil refineries in California’s Central Valley.

Our elected leaders make important decisions on EJ and issues affecting our daily lives. So, it is important everyone gets a say on who those leaders are, and acknowledge that thriving ecosystems are inseparable from economic, housing, and social justice.

We must recognize the interconnectedness of these issues, and how neglecting one exacerbates the other. Voters must remember that when casting their ballots, holding the power to influence policies that can rectify historical injustices. Environmental justice is not a luxury; it is a fundamental right that every person deserves.

Federal integration of environmental justice measures

Every administration has an opportunity to prioritize EJ. Under the current administration, several notable victories have been achieved in the realm of EJ through generational legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).

For instance, the administration has allocated significant funding to clean up Superfund sites and brownfields, particularly in communities of color that have long been neglected. Initiatives such as Justice40 aim to direct 40% of the overall benefits from certain federal investments in climate and clean energy to disadvantaged communities.

The administration has also placed a stronger focus on integrating environmental justice considerations into the federal agency decision-making processes, ensuring that marginalized communities are heard, and their needs are addressed in policy development. These actions highlight the progress made to uplift and protect vulnerable communities across the country. 

Credit: kgroovy

While progress is clear, bolder actions are imperative regardless of who is in leadership. The urgency lies in setting ambitious targets for emissions reduction, investing in responsible renewable energy, and addressing environmental racism head-on. It also means pushing Congress to pass crucial legislation like the A. Donald McEachin Environmental Justice For All Act—a bill that is one of the most comprehensive pieces of environmental justice legislation in history. It’s about holding corporations accountable for their environmental harms and requiring them to promote sustainable practices that benefit both people and the planet.

A more equitable future

In this consequential moment, voters must insist on a future where environmental justice is woven into the fabric of our nation—the stakes are high, and time is of the essence. In the lead-up to the election, consider the environment not as a separate entity but as an integral part of our shared destiny. Understand the urgency of our present and immediate future, and champion a healthy environment as a universal birthright. Make sure your voice is heard on environmental justice and a future where all our children breathe clean air, our waters run unpolluted, and our communities and wildlife thrive. 

Let the 2024 elections be a turning point—a declaration that we will no longer accept a world where some suffer disproportionately while our leaders turn their backs. Our planet, our communities, and our collective future depend on everyone participating at the polls in November 2024. 

Be thoughtful and vote.

(…And encourage others to do the same!)