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New BP Spill, This Time in Alaska
We’re just learning about America’s second big oil spill in just the last month, this time new BP spill in Alaska:
BP said on Monday that a pipeline at its 30,000 barrel per day Lisburne field, which is currently closed for maintenance, ruptured during testing and spilled a mixture of methanol and oily water onto the tundra.
The London-based company has a long history of oil spills at its Alaskan pipelines – accidents which have hurt its public image in the U.S., where around 40 percent of its assets are based.
The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation said the spill occurred on Saturday and amounted to 2,100 to 4,200 gallons.
Big Oil is constantly pushing to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Why should we trust them not to spoil this pristine wilderness?