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Flawed Textbook
The Center for Inquiry has found that the popular textbook American Government Institutions and Policies has such significant flaws in its coverage of the science of global warming that either a new edition should be published or a separate list of errors should be distributed.
Here is the story about a pretty cool Kansas high school student who first challenged the publisher:
Here is a link to the Center for Inquiry’s assessment of the book:
To give you a flavor of their assessment of the textbook:
The discussion of global warming contained in Chapter 21 "Environmental Policy" suffers from egregious flaws and clear factual errors. The textbook wrongly portrays the settled, firmly-established science of global warming as a product of "activist scientists" and the source of "profound disagreement" within the scientific community.2 The textbook levels the outrageous charge that global warming "has resulted in a conflict among elites who often base their arguments as much on ideology as on facts." 3 Astonishingly, the textbook questions whether the greenhouse effect itself exists at all.