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Wildlife Watch Gets a Makeover
The National Wildlife Federation is proud to announce the launch of the newly redesigned Wildlife Watch
website. The Wildlife Watch website still has all the great features from the past plus an expanded species list and summaries, Twitter and a colorful new look! Check us out at www.nwf.org/wildlifewatch.
Wildlife Watch is an education program where amateur scientists report on their wildlife sightings and experiences in nature. The website can be used by anyone, anywhere in the United States and has features for both children and adults. The main goal of Wildlife Watch is to get families looking for natural wonders right in their own community.
At the beginning of each season, visit Wildlife Watch and print out the species list for your state. These are the target plants, animals and natural phenomena that we want you to be on the lookout for. Once you have the list, take it with you on hikes, weekend camping trips or simply keep it in your backpack. When you see a bird or plant on the list, come back to the Wildlife Watch website and send us your findings. It’s that easy!
If you see a cool animal or plant not on the Wildlife Watch list, NWF offers other opportunities to participate.
- You can write a journal entry on the Tell Your Story page
- Upload photos to our Flickr group.
- Share with us through Twitter*
*A brand new feature of the Wildlife Watch website is our Twitter feed. Twitter users can contribute to Wildlife Watch by sharing their nature stories right in their tweets. Just by putting #nwf in your tweet, your short wildlife story will be linked to our website. Follow us at www.twitter.com/wildlife_watch for the latest stories and links on wildlife and citizen science.
So now that you know all about Wildlife Watch. Visit the website and get yourself outside this spring. We are waiting to hear all about it!