NWF Flooding Report Making News

A report
issued last week on the effects of global warming on storms and flooding is
drawing attention in many at-risk areas.

Among the communities taking special
notice of the report are Northeast
, which recently experienced record storms and floods; Eastern North
, which has seen the benefits of smart flood planning methods
advocated by Dr. Amanda Staudt, author of the report; New
, which has endured abnormally heavy rain in recent months; Northwest
, which is at an increased risk of flooding due to global warming;
and Virginia, which
has experienced starkly contrasting dry and wet weather periods in the last

“Global warming is partly to blame for
these heavy rainfall events,” said
Dr. Staudt. “Warmer air simply can hold more moisture, so heavier precipitation
is expected in the years to come.”

America’s over-reliance on levees and
other strategies for taming rivers; communities that are on the frontlines; and
what must be done to confront the realities of global warming.The report
focuses on how global warming has caused more heavy rainfall events;

Published: July 14, 2009