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Another Company Abandons Clean Energy-Obstructing U.S. Chamber
Will the last one out of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce please shut off the lights?
Last week, Pacific Gas and Electric Co. and New Mexico-based PNM Resources Inc. pulled out of the chanber, citing its climate obstruction. Today, the largest nuclear power operator in the United States joined them:
Exelon CEO John Rowe told a Chicago conference today sponsored by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy about his company’s decision and urged industry officials and regulators to push for legislation that will put a price on carbon.
“Inaction on climate is not an option,” Rowe said, according to excerpts provided by Exelon. “If Congress does not act, the EPA will, and the result will be more arbitrary, more expensive, and more uncertain for investors and the industry than a reasonable, market-based legislative solution.”
In addition, Nike has criticized the Chamber’s climate stonewalling while refusing to comment directly on its future with the Chamber.
And it’s not just the Chamber suffering a mass exodus. So far this month, Duke Energy, Alcoa and Alstom have all pulled out of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, a leading obstructionist group.
From business leaders to sportsmen to the NAACP, an incredibly diverse coalition is coming together to call for action on clean energy & climate change. Will the U.S. Senate listen? We’ll find out starting Wednesday.