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Highlight of the Week: Senate Bill Signals New Momentum for Clean Energy in 2009
Senate Environment & Public Works Committee Chair Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Foreign Relations Committee Chair John Kerry (D-MA) unveiled the Senate's version of comprehensive clean energy and climate legislation on Wednesday.
Joe Mendelson, global warming policy director of the National Wildlife Federation, said:
"Quite simply, this bill means less pollution and more clean energy. It will move America forward in the new clean energy economy, create new jobs and help ensure our country is a leader in developing and selling clean energy technology around the world.
"This legislation combines strong emission reduction goals with economic safeguards to protect all regions of the nation. It invests in protecting our natural resources from the impacts of global warming while protecting the integrity of the Clean Air Act.
"But like a cornered animal, we can expect Big Oil to fight its hardest in a last stand to protect the status quo – and if this summer's forged letters scandal is any indication, we can expect polluters to fight dirty. These polluters will be pouring every drop of their energy into protecting their massive profits by trying to stall progress on clean energy, climate action and green jobs.
"Senators need to know Americans stand behind clean energy, with 71 percent of voters supporting the American Clean Energy and Security Act that passed the House in June. Inaction is not an option – Americans want a new direction on energy and they want it now."