We have much more to do and your continued support is needed now more than ever.
Campus Team at VA Power Shift 2009
The Virginia Power Shift was hosted at George Mason University this weekend. More than 100 students from VA campuses gathered to speak out for climate legislation and participate in workshops including introduction to anti-oppression and creative action planning and several workshops VA-specific such as Virginia's green economy, working toward environmental justice in Virginia, and understanding VA level environmental policy.
NWF's Campus Ecology team tabled at the event with Virginia Conservation Network (NWF's VA state affiliate), Repower America, and other organizations.
The VA Power Shift gave students the opportunity to learn more about the current climate bill in the Senate, learn about actions they can take as citizens to encourage their state leaders to VOTE YES for climate legislation, and probably one of the best parts of the weekend was meeting like-minded students and making new friends.
George Mason University, located in Fairfax, Virginia, is a green campus and committed to reducing their carbon footprint. GMU's President Alan Merten has signed the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment and their campus sustainability initiatives include purchasing of local foods, recycling, LEED standards for all new buildings, trayless dining, native habitat, and more. Learn more about GMU's commitment to climate leadership at: Office of Sustainability. GMU is also a NWF Campus Ecology member.
Photo credit: Kristy Jones, Naitonal Wildlife Federation