6 Reasons You Don’t Go Outside—And How To Get Over Them

watching girl flowersDoes a small voice inside of you tell you that you shouldgo outside more? Maybe you’ve noticed that the kids are calmer and happier after a walk. Or you learned that lack of sunlight can lead to Vitamin D deficiency.

Or maybe you just know—on a gut level—that life’s burdens are easier to bear when you hear the birds sing, watch a sunset or feel the wind on your face.

But it is not always easy—everything from lack of time to overactive mosquitoes can keep people indoors.

We can help!

Here are 6 common obstacles to going outside, and some tips to overcome them:

6 reasons not outside-no time1. I Don’t Have TIME!

We encourage people to get a “Green Hour,” but sometimes life only allows a Green 15. That’s okay!

  • Small doses: Take a walk on your lunch break. Spend those last few minutes before bed in your backyard or on your patio, balcony or front stoop. Re-learn how to enjoysimple outdoor pleasures: Skip a stone, make a dandelion chain, or whistle through a blade of grass.
  • Time-saver: Pack a small bag with outdoor essentials and keep it near the front door for easy access when you’re inspired to go outside. Include a picnic blanket, sunscreen, a Frisbee and a few water bottles.
  • Three-in-one: Combine chores, exercise and outdoor time by walking while doing your errands.


6 reasons not outside-hate bugs2. I HATE Bugs!

Well, we LOVE bugs at the National Wildlife Federation.But we know mosquitoes and other pests can ruin a perfectly good Green Hour.

  • Don’t make mosquitoes comfortable: Check outside your house for standing water, where mosquitoes like to lay eggs.
  • Educate yourself: Get tips to avoid ticks, mosquitoes, and other outdoor dangers.
  • Find the right bug spray: Read NWF’s suggestions forfinding healthy ways to keep the bugs away.




6 reasons not outside-too hot3. It’s too HOT!

It feels like summer is often spent running from car to air-conditioned store and back again—trying to minimize the amount of time outside! Here’s how to beat the heat:

  • Time it right: Go outside in the mornings and evenings, before and after the sun has hit its peak.
  • Water is your friend: Incorporate water into your plans—both for drinking and splashing in.
  • Tree-time: “The temperature and shade underneath a tree can be 25 degrees cooler than a surrounding blacktop,” says NWF naturalist Dave Mizejewski. Find a few shady spots near your home to stake out on the really hot days or plant your own shade tree.



6 reasons not outside-too cold4. It’s too COLD!

Believe it or not, humans don’t need to hibernate in the winter.

  • The layering effect: When outside, wear several layers of clothing. What keeps you warm is the heat you capture in between the layers!
  • Winter watch: With the leaves off the trees, and most people indoors, spotting wildlife is actually an easier challenge in winter.
  • Watch the neighbors: Fill your bird feeders at home and see what visitors come. Learn how to make a nesting box for your feathered friends.



6 reasons not outside-no nature5. There’s No NATURE Around Here!

Believe it or not, nature is never too far away.



6 reasons not outside-allergies6. My ALLERGIES are killing me!

Hay fever can force even the biggest outdoor enthusiasts inside. But there are ways to minimize the discomfort.

  • Green thumb tips: If planned correctly, your garden can be kind to your allergies.
  • Knowledge is power: Visit an allergist to determine the specific allergen, so you can avoid it.