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(Video) NWF’s Schweiger Hits National Airwaves Denouncing Dirty Fuels
On both coasts, and lots of places in between, NWF President and CEO Larry Scwheiger is hitting the airwaves this morning urging Americans to reject dirty fuels and the dangerous pipelines that would deliver them across the U.S. heartland.
As we saw in Utah over the weekend, pipelines can and do burst with disastrous results for nature and property. 20,000 gallons leaked, heading to lakes and streams, oiling birds and damaging water supplies and land. NWF is working to stop construction of a massive 2,000 pipeline that would bring those risks to 6 heartland states. Watch Larry talk about the dangers of Dirty Fuels, learn more, and take action to stop the risky Keystone XL pipeline.
Here’s Larry’s tour stops this morning:
WGCL-TV / Atlanta / CBS / 8
WJBK-TV / Detroit / FOX / 11
WMYA-TV / Greenville / MNT / 36
WHSV-TV / Harrisonburg / ABC / 178
WFXT-TV / Boston / FOX / 7
KMID-TV / Odessa / ABC / 155
WFTL-AM / Miami / Radio / 17
WECI-TV / Missoula / NBC / 166
WISN-TV / Milwaukee / ABC / 35
WDPN-AM / Cleveland / Radio / 18
KMSP-TV / Minneapolis / FOX / 15
WLKF-AM / Tampa / Radio / 14
KNXV-TV / Phoenix / ABC / 12
WDJQ-FM / Cleveland / Radio / 18
WYAM-TV / Huntsville / IND / 81
XETV-TV / San Diego / CW / 28
WCHS & WVAH-TV / Charleston / ABC & FOX / 63
KJTV-TV / Lubbock / FOX / 143
The Art of the Interview / National / Radio
KCTU-TV / Wichita / IND / 69
KMIR-TV / Palm Springs / NBC / 142
WCAP-AM / Boston / Radio / 7
WLOX-TV / Biloxi / ABC / 163
KKZN-AM / Denver / Radio / 16
KSAZ-TV / Phoenix / FOX / 12