We have much more to do and your continued support is needed now more than ever.
Remembering Wildlife at Year’s End
To make a donation to the National Wildlife Federation before the end of 2010, please click here.
For many, the end of the year is time to reflect and examine our goals as we plan for 2011.
For the staff of the National Wildlife Federation it’s a chance to remember why we are so dedicated to our mission and to focus on what we want to accomplish moving forward.
Many of us are here because of our own personal passion to protect wildlife and the environment that supports our planet’s greatest treasures. But what is even more inspiring to me is why our members choose to support our work and the notes they send along with their contributions.
The reasons our members support the work of National Wildlife Federation are varied and range from understanding the implications of our work:
“I am horrified on a daily basis about the terrible things that are done to our wildlife. I can’t understand why some people don’t get that animals are important to us. We cannot exist without them. “
To wanting to preserve wildlife for future generations:
“Wildlife is important to our future in all ways. For beauty, peace, unity, support, identity, participation, knowledge, love, health, stability, life, everything!”
“I want to protect America’s wildlife because my grandchildren asked to do it for them and their children. And I would do anything for my family. Who wouldn’t?”
As a father of three children, I couldn’t agree more!
Others recognize that by working together we all can achieve our goals:
“I think that my membership in NWF helps … I wish that I could do more, but unfortunately circumstances prevent that. I try to think about the effects of my ‘footprint’ on every living thing every day, and I do everything that I can to help protect our animals.”

And we are inspired by members of all generations who support our work – such as the donations and drawings we receive from our youngest contributors – many of whom rallied after the BP oil spill to raise funds with activities as varied as lemonade stands, selling artwork and jewelry.
“For the past few months, I have been working hard painting and fundraising for the animals affected by the BP oil spill… I wanted to do this because we need to start cleaning up our acts and taking care of wildlife for our generation and for a new generation to come.”
As we wrap up another busy year, I hope you will remember the National Wildlife Federation and how your support makes it possible for us to continue our fight.
Wildlife and their wild places across the country need our help and with your support, NWF will be able to increase our efforts in 2011 to:
- Fight global warming. Through grassroots and national efforts, we’re fighting greenhouse-gas pollution by pushing for legislation and providing solutions to reduce our carbon footprint.
- Ensure habitat for wildlife. Climate change is stressing our wild places; and, without habitat, wildlife cannot survive. That’s why we work to restore, conserve and protect the environment through on-the-ground action, policy and legislation.
- Protect wildlife. From fighting for a strong Endangered Species Act to retiring land for imperiled animals through our Adopt-a-Wildlife-Acre program, we’re working to ensure future generations have the same wildlife in their lives to learn from and enjoy as we do.
All the work we have accomplished this past year could not have been possible without our members and contributors. It was their generous support that put us in a strong position to immediately respond to the wildlife crisis in the Gulf and it is their support that allows us to lead the charge to leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.
Thanks to the generous support of all our members and partners, we continue to speak up for wildlife and fight for the wild places across the country.