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Americans Run Hot On Water, Cool On Global Warming
Dirty water is the main environmental worry for Americans according to a new Gallup poll. Out of nine possible concerns asked in a survey, water issues are listed in the top four, followed closely by air pollution.

American’s Top Environmental Concerns
1. Contamination of soil and water by toxic waste
2. Pollution of rivers, lakes, and reservoirs
3. Pollution of drinking water
4. Maintenance of the nation’s supply of fresh water for household needs
5. Air pollution
6. Extinction of plant and animal species
7. The loss of tropical rain forests
8. Urban sprawl and loss of open spaces
9. Global warming
While three in four Americans worry about water-related risks, only about half worry about global climate change.
Ironically, even as clean water and air top the list of environmental concerns for most Americans, the House-passed Continuing Resolution severely cuts water conservation and restoration and air pollution reduction programs. Amendments to the bill also handcuff the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to enforce the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act. You can speak up for clean air and clean water by visitng NWF’s Action Center.