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NWF’s Affiliate Leaders Swarm Capitol Hill
National Wildlife Federation’s 75th annual meeting brought over 45 NWF State Affiliates to Washington D.C. last week. Before the meeting kicked off, a number of affiliate leaders participated in Capitol Hill Days, getting the chance to meet with their elected officials on Capitol Hill.
On the same day Congress voted on the final continuing resolution to fund the government for the rest of the fiscal year, affiliate leaders attended over 100 meetings, half of which with their Members of Congress. Affiliates teamed up with NWF staff based around the country and stressed the importance of continued funding to Conservation programs and asked their Members to uphold the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts.
Would you like to tell your Member of Congress to protect conservation funding as well? Take action here.
I had the opportunity to attend meetings with Iowa Wildlife Federation delegates, and we were able to meet with the offices of Senator Harkin, Senator Grassley, and Congressman Loebsack, urging them to protect funding and programs that support wildlife and natural resources in Iowa. We even received a surprise visit from Mrs. Grassley, who I discovered is a member of the Iowa Wildlife Federation.
Affiliate leaders bring important voices to Washington D.C. from across the country. If you’d like to add your voice to NWF’s conservation efforts, get involved here.