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Parents “Push” for Clean Air in Stroller Brigades

In honor of Mother’s Day, parents gathered around the country in stroller brigades, callling on their elected officials to protect the Clean Air Act for their children’s health and future.
Parents pushed their children in strollers in Missoula, Montana from Sen. Jon Tester’s office to the office of Sen. Max Baucus.
The brigade delivered over 100 Mother’s Day cards from Moms across Montana asking the Senators to support the EPA’s efforts to protect the health of their families.
National Wildlife Federation’s Dave Dittloff pushed his daughter in the Missoula brigade, expressing concern for air pollution and mercury contamination in fish:
I was proud to take part in the stroller brigade here in Montana. As a fisherman and parent of three children, two of which have asthma, I’m very concerned about clean air issues and how they impact my kids’ health. Nothing is tastier than fresh caught fish, but we make a point of not eating too much of it because of mercury concerns, and there’s nothing more heart wrenching than hearing your child wheezing in the middle of the night.
A similar stroller brigade was held in Lansing, Michigan, where nurses joined moms to show support for the Environmental Protection Agency and the Clean Air Act.
Did you miss the stroller brigades? Support the EPA’s efforts to limit toxic air pollution now!