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Working for Wildlife: Follow NWF Activities All Over the Country
Field Highlights: Sportsmen Show Support for Clean Air Act

Last week over 300 Sportsmen groups nationwide sent a letter to congress urging them to protect the Clean Air Act. The letter concluded with this statement:
“America’s hunters, anglers, and the 79 billion dollar industry that supports them, are glad to see long overdue action to reduce mercury pollution and put limits on carbon pollution. This unique partnership, formed in the 19th century, continues to be at the heart of conserving wildlife. We strongly urge you to prevent any Congressional roll back of the Clean Air Act, ensuring our outdoor legacy for future generations.”
The National Wildlife Federation was honored and excited to be a part of these efforts to support our clean air for future generations. This letter is a reminder to congress that millions of Americans are urging them to defend the Clean Air Act. Sportsmen and women all over the country gathered at events in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Minnesota, Ohio, Virginia, Maine, Montana & Michigan to sport their support for the Clean Air Act.
Hot Off the Press:
Click here to watch a video of Pennsylvania residents who are fighting for cleaner air in their state. This video includes commentary from our own Ed Perry, our Pennsylvania outreach coordinator. It discusses the importance of the new mercury standards proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency.
What You Can Do:

1. Request postcards! Would you rather send a postcard to the EPA? Let us know if you want to sign a postcard– and recruit 20 others concerned about mercury in fish to do the same! Contact kordickj@nwf.org
2. Submit a comment to the EPA letting them know you want stricter regulations on mercury emissions. It is SO easy and takes seconds.