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Photo Proves Existence of Alaska Lynx, or Possibly Bigfoot

This Labor Day weekend, a friend and I (and Milo the dog, pictured above for no good reason, except he is my dog) were about 15 minutes out of town on a dirt road on the way to a quick morning hike when we saw a lynx by the side of the road. That’s rare and very exciting.

They are listed as a threatened species in the lower 48, but in Alaska, a place where we have a chance to do it right, there is a healthy population. Despite that, I’ve only seen three lynx in my 17 years here.
But after five minutes, we began to seriously worry that it was a stuffed lynx set out as a practical joke. Then it stirred itself and strolled across the road and into the woods. It was tall and lean with a short black tail.
We guessed it weighed about 40 pounds (although males average 22 pounds, so the excitement may have made us over-estimate), with feet like small frisbees for running on the snow.

Lynx tend to avoid people so I’ve included the picture I took with my iPhone (above left). It clearly proves that we saw a lynx, or possibly a tree stump, an extremely large marmot, or the Loch Ness Monster.