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Weekly News Roundup – November 18, 2011
Want to know what National Wildlife Federation was up to this week? Here is a recap of the week’s National Wildlife Federation news:
Bad Ballast Water Bill Threatens America’s Waters and Wildlife
Nov. 15, 2011 – The House of Representatives voted to undermine America’s waters and wildlife by including weak and ineffective ballast water discharge standards in the Coast Guard Reauthorization bill. This legislation rolls out the welcome mat for destructive, invasive species to infiltrate our waters.
“In horror movies, strange creatures invade our waters and threaten people and wildlife. But, the real horror is that this scenario happens every day in the U.S., and this bad ballast water bill makes it easier for invasive species to take over our water bodies,” said Josh Saks, senior legislative representative for water resources campaigns for the National Wildlife Federation.
New Report Explores Hazards of Natural Gas Production on Air, Water and Wildlife Habitats
Nov. 16, 2011 – Natural gas is a part of America’s energy future, but it does not have to become part of this country’s energy failures when it comes to protecting air, water and wildlife habitat. A new National Wildlife Federation report, No More Drilling in the Dark: Exposing the Hazards of Natural Gas Production and Protecting America’s Drinking Water and Wildlife Habitats, delves into the challenges and potential solutions surrounding the unconventional drilling practice known as fracking.
“Transparency, sensible oversight and reliable safeguards for air, water and wildlife are just commonsense when it comes to drilling for natural gas,” said Todd Keller, senior manager for public lands campaigns for the National Wildlife Federation. “What should be best practices for the industry are also what is best for local communities and wildlife habitat.”
SAFE Act Critical to Confronting Climate Impacts
Nov. 16, 2011 – The Safeguarding America’s Future and Environment (SAFE) Act, requiring federal and state governments to plan for the impacts of climate change by protecting our natural resources, was introduced in the U.S. Senate today. Co-sponsored by Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), the SAFE Act would take critical steps towards protecting communities and wildlife from climate impacts.
“Climate change is the defining conservation issue of our generation, already forcing our communities and wildlife to confront more frequent and severe droughts, floods, and wildfires,” said Bruce Stein, director of climate change adaptation for the National Wildlife Federation. “The SAFE Act is commonsense legislation that will help us prepare for climate impacts while protecting and enhancing our natural resources.”
Nov. 17, 2011- The Obama administration has unveiled new fuel economy and emissions rules for light duty vehicles. The Environmental Protection Agency and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration guidelines cover model years 2017-2025 and begin the formal rule-making process of the agreement in principle announced in July. The standard will be open for additional public comment for 60 days.
“Americans can breathe easier. The win-win car and light truck standards proposed by the Administration today mean cleaner air and better protection for wildlife and America’s natural resource heritage, while taking major steps forward for America’s energy and economic security,” said Joe Mendelson, director of global warming policy for the National Wildlife Federation.
National Wildlife Federation and National Aquarium Formally Join Forces
Nov. 17, 2011 – The National Aquarium and the National Wildlife Federation have joined forces to protect wildlife and water resources for future generations. Approved by unanimous vote at the most recent Board of Directors meeting, the National Aquarium has been selected as the National Wildlife Federation’s Maryland affiliate. This partnership will link conservation efforts from Appalachia, to the Chesapeake Bay, and the Atlantic Ocean.
“This is a tremendous opportunity to align the efforts of this nation’s aquarium with one of its most effective conservation organizations,” said John Racanelli, CEO of the National Aquarium.
And here are a few highlights from NWF in the News:
- Ammoland.com: Sportsmen Criticize Senate Measure Weakening Clean Water Act
- The Sacramento Bee: Jobs for the Future Brings NASA Resources to Community College Green Curricula
- UPI: NWF pro gas but wants safeguards
- Publicnewsservice.org: Report Questions Environmental Price PA Pays for Fracking