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NBCs Today: Don’t Poison Tar Sands Wolves – Watch
Wild wolves and caribou have thrived in balance in Canada for generations in the country’s vast boreal forest, but now oil companies have moved in to extract tar sands oil. As fossil fuel activity destroys habitat for caribou herds, Canadian wildlife officials are expected to poison thousands of wolves with strychnine-laced bait and shoot them from helicopters. Strychnine is a deadly poison that causes an excruciating death. NWF is calling on the Canadian and Alberta governments not to scapegoat wolves, and to manage their environment responsibly.
***Stop the wolf killing. Take ACTION now***
Watch David’s Today Show Segment
Updated March 16, 2012, 10:30 a.m.
The Keystone XL Scheme and Wolves’ Projected Destruction
Instead of scapegoating wolves, Canada should be protecting caribou habitat to ensure their survival, Mizejewski says. As customers for Canadian crude, Americans share the blame and the controversial Keystone XL tar sands pipeline would only exacerbate the calamity.
Mizejewski, NWF naturalist and author, makes frequent television appearances on “The Today Show” (below, watch his recent appearance with two Bengal tiger cubs) to help people connect with nature in their own neighborhoods and beyond. He is also the host and co-producer of Backyard Habitat on Animal Planet, a program to help people transform their yards and gardens into thriving habitats for birds and local wildlife.
The wolves featured on “Today” come from Howling Woods Farm, a New Jersey based animal rescue shelter.
You have a voice! Tune in and tell Congress and the Obama administration to stop the Keystone XL pipeline. Wildlife is counting on us.