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The Top 10 Quotes from Today’s Keystone XL Hearing
Opponents of the proposed pipeline argued that allowing Keystone to pass through the U.S. would be assuming a large amount of risk, with little pay off. The majority of this dirty tar sands oil would be exported, but not before passing through America’s heartland. Denying this pipeline would send a clear message that the U.S. does not want dirty tar sands oil passing through our communities. Here are some of the best quotes from today’s hearing!
Top 10 quotes from the Keystone XL hearing:
1. “We’re screwing our children, grandchildren, all future generations if we think we can use those unconventional fossil fuels.”– Dr. James Hansen
2. “If we don’t approve KXL, much of Canada’s tar sands won’t be developed.”– Dr. James Hansen
Proponents of the Keystone pipeline like to argue that this tar sands oil will be developed regardless. But the truth is that Canada has been exploring other options and is hitting significant opposition. For example, native tribes in western Canada have made it clear that they will not allow a pipeline through their native lands.
3. “The choice is not whether to accepted increased risk by rail or pipeline, but whether to take the oil out of the ground”– Michael Brune
4. “It’s not about the pipeline. It’s really about tar sands oil. It’s carbon that’s the issue” – Senator Tim Kaine
Senator Tim Kaine gets it, this is not about the pipeline, it is about dirty tar sands oil that should remain in the ground.
5. “People say that the Keystone pipeline is a no-brainer. I’m sorry; I guess my brain works differently.”– Senator Barbara Boxer
Senator Boxer gave a strong testimony, citing the vast health impacts as one of the primary reasons to reject the pipeline. Accompanied by nurses from across the U.S., she talked about the health impacts of living near refineries. Often these places will have much higher rates of cancers and asthma, especially in children.
6. “If you are in support of the environment, you are in support of the pipeline.”– Chamber of Commerce’s Karen Harbert
Really?? I think the large majority of environmentalists are going to have to disagree with Ms. Harbert on that point.
7. To which Senator Barbara Boxer responded: “When you said ‘If you are an environmentalist you are in support of this pipeline’, let me just say that is ludicrous on its face, please don’t speak for me, and please don’t speak for lots of folks who don’t see it that way.”
8. “The world is looking at us. you’ve gotta be lowering your greenhouse gas emissions, not increasing.” – Senator Ed Markey
Tar sands is one of the most carbon intensive fuel sources. As we try to limit our overall carbon impact, it is important that we focus on reducing the most carbon intensive fuel sources.
10. “We’re all on the same boat. We will either sink together or find a way to sail together”– Dr. James Hansen
What KXL means for wildlife
We are all in the same boat, no matter your party (or your species!) you will be affected by climate change and dirty fuels projects. Keystone XL pipeline will cut through America’s agricultural heartland, the Missouri, Platte, and Niobrara Rivers, the Ogallala aquifer, habitat for sage grouse and sandhill cranes, walleye fisheries and much more. Migratory birds are especially at risk as many of their migration paths follow the proposed Keystone pipeline route. Habitat disruption in these areas would negatively impact these migrating species as well as the communities in the surrounding areas.
Take action now! Speak up for wildlife species and communities that would be impacted by Keystone XL and dirty tar sands projects.