We have much more to do and your continued support is needed now more than ever.
Mentor, Mentee: Who’s helping who?
The role mentors play in the lives of students is invaluable and can often lead to extraordinary experiences, both for the mentor and the mentees. This couldn’t be more evident than in San Antonio, Texas for mentor, Michelle Hipps-Cruz of Overland Partners and mentees, students of Lamar Elementary School.
Together they learned, researched, discussed, planned and provided their community with actionable ways to address sustainability. Through the Eco-Schools USA program Lamar Elementary School and the rest of the Eco-Action team worked through the Cool School Challenge addressing climate change & energy, consumption & waste, transportation, and water.
In the end, with the help of Overland Partners mentors, teachers, and other members of the school community, Lamar Elementary School proved that they had what it takes to be a COOL SCHOOL!
Read more about their dynamic story.
Want to know more?
Ask your school to register with National Wildlife Federation’s Eco-Schools USA program. It’s free and easy and gives educators, parents, and community members access to an abundance of free resources, tips, curriculum guidelines, and best practices. Register today at www.eco-schoolsusa.org.