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Fracking in North Texas: A Local Perspective
The fracking conversation that arose in recent years began with the environmental concerns of residents, then policy and regulations (or lack thereof) in response to these concerns, and finally, it has come down to a small town fighting for its representation and prevention of the health consequences that studies have proven could arise for the people, the land, and the wildlife that dwell here. This issue is particularly relevant due to the overturned fracking ban that Denton residents voted in last November; fracking has unfortunately re-started in the Denton area in the last month.
Out on these trails, I’ve seen many gorgeous birds native or migrating through Texas, such as herons and falcons and white-tailed deer during each season. I don’t always catch the armadillos rummaging or the cottontails burrowing, but I can’t help but think that their home, water and air are being harmfully altered as well, and that resources vital to their sustenance are being poisoned. In nearby Wise County, residents reported that their water “stung their eyes during showers, and their animals refused to drink the water” after fracking had begun. From domestic animals to their wild relatives, creatures in North Texas are facing similar discomforts, but without a voice to represent them.
The results of the study make it clear that using well water in the Barnett Shale has proven to be potentially dangerous, and it might become necessary not to use the water, which is not a feasible action for many. In another recent scientific study report from CHEM Trust, a British charity, CHEM Trust warns of severe risks to human health and wildlife from chemicals used in fracking. Part of the issues noted in this report include the possibility of harm to an estuary in Wyre, Lancashire in the UK, home to wading bird species of international importance.
We need communities and individuals to continue to stand up to their local and state governments and demand that fracking is banned, as I have seen the hardworking and determined people of Denton, Texas do for the last few years.
Denton, Texas residents formed Frack Free Denton as part of their initiatives to educate the public about the dangers of hydraulic fracturing. See more of their story and efforts here.
About the Author: Laci Kettavong was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. Her family’s story of emigration from the Lao PDR to the United States has influenced her academic and professional interests to include sustainability, water issues and environmental history. Laci is currently an NWF EcoLeader Fellow and is helping to write content for the EcoLeader Career Center. She is also a graduate student and teaching assistant at the University of North Texas, studying environmental philosophy and science. Laci enjoys creating art, gifts, and décor from recycled and reusable materials and being a part of the vibrant Denton, Texas community where she attends school. The community has come together to enforce the fracking ban for which they voted and she has become interested in covering and sharing their story.