ConseRVation Nation: How to Take Care of the Environment This Summer

National Geographic’s Intelligent Travel Blog recently noted that Rich Luhr, blogger and publisher of Airstream Life magazine, phrased the environmentally friendly side of RVing perfectly:

“RVs may have the reputation of being gas-guzzlers on the road…but when they stop moving, they’re exemplary models of conservation.”

According to Luhr, many of us go RVing to unplug from our typical day-to-day…why not use this mindset to unplug from excessive consumption of energy and technology, too?

So, in celebration of National Wildlife Federation’s Great American Campout and its mission – to not only get people out into nature, but caring for it and preserving it as well – we’ve curated a list of a few key strategies you can use to protect the beautiful scenery around your while on the road.

  • Try dry camping. While it can definitely feel more primitive and more like “traditional” camping, giving your unit some time off from hook-ups might be exactly what you need to unplug- and it has a lesser effect on the environment.
  • Consider solar panels. These easy-to-use panels absorb the sun’s rays and convert the light to energy, providing you with a power source even in the most remote areas — without the excessive use of traditional electricity.
  • Know best practices for waste disposal. A few tips RVers tend to use: dispose of human waste in catholes at least 300 ft. from bodies of water, preferably in catholes at least 8 inches into the ground.
  • Invest in a good water filtration system. Doing so will not only save you money in terms of laying off bottled water, but will also the amount of physical waste you produce.
  • Teach children to turn off the water when brushing teeth, scrubbing hands, etc. They may not see it as a huge deal at first, but little by little, every drop adds up!
  • Keep campfires clean and local. Avoid burning plastics or non-wooden objects, and aim to only use wood harvested from the local environment, as certain pesky insects could be attracted to the flame and interrupt the balance of the ecosystem.
  • Participate in the Great American Cleanup put on by Keep America Beautiful. Using their website, you can search a list of environmental cleanup programs to find specific locations where you could participate with the program. The great part about this for RVers? No matter where you are, you can use the affiliate search tool to identify the program nearest you at any time, and see what you can do to help each community as you road-trip.
  • Share pictures of your group taking care of the environment and surrounding communities while road-tripping on social media pages. Use hashtags such as #saynotolitter, #conservation, #takecareofourplanet #saveourseas, #wildlife, and more to showcase how taking care of the environment truly can be done from anywhere – even on the road. These types of photos inspire others to join in the mission of National Wildlife’s mission and gets them excited to pay mind to the benefits of the helping the natural world as well.

Don’t forget to visit National Wildlife Federation’s website to get all the latest updates on the Great American Campout. They have all the resources you need in helping America’s wildlife thrive in the great outdoors!

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What are some ways you like to keep your RV adventures nature-friendly? Comment and let us know!