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Reaffirming a Future for Wildlife: A 2018 Election Recap

Wins for Wildlife Delivered
Following yesterday’s election, every newspaper and analyst has started weighing in on what the results mean for America. If there’s one thing we can discern from the election results—and they are still coming in—it’s that champions for wildlife and common-sense conservation prevailed. It’s thanks to friends of wildlife like you that we were able to turn out wildlife voters in force.
With your help, we reached almost one million friends of wildlife, urging them to #Vote4Wildlife.
This year, we endorsed eight wildlife-friendly ballot initiatives in California, Connecticut, Denver, Georgia, Florida, Montana, Nevada, and Washington. We also opposed a wildlife-harming measure in Colorado. Here’s how they did, along with background on how each would impact wildlife:
FAILED California: Healthy habitats, uncontaminated waterways, & abundant wildlife—that’s what the 2018 California Water Bond was all about! Learn why we endorsed Yes On Prop 3, which includes the restoration of habitats for shorebirds and other California wildlife.
DEFEATED Colorado: To protect mule deer, songbirds & trout, we encouraged Colorado voters to maintain the state’s ability to adopt and enact clean air, water, and land policies that safeguard these natural treasures by voting No on 74.
PASSED Denver, CO: We endorsed Yes on 2A to protect the future of the city’s parks and wildlife like red-winged blackbirds and monarch butterflies.
PASSED Connecticut: By endorsing Yes on Question 2, we encouraged Connecticut residents to protect the wild public lands and forest habitats of the declining New England cottontail rabbit.
PASSED Florida: To protect loggerhead sea turtles and all wildlife threatened by coastal oil spills, we urged voters to vote Yes on Amendment 9 to ban offshore oil and gas drilling off Florida’s coasts ()
PASSED Georgia: To be a friend to golden-winged warblers along with other birds, bass and butterflies, we encouraged voters to vote for the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Act and support Yes on One on their ballots.
FAILED Montana: We urged Montana voters to protect wildlife like osprey from acid mine pollution, maintain their outdoor recreation opportunities, and honor the state’s conservation legacy by voting Yes On 186.
PASSED Nevada: We endorsed the Yes On 6 campaign in Nevada to require electric utilities to generate 50% of their electricity from renewable energy sources by 2030 in order to protect climate-sensitive wildlife like big horn sheep.
FAILED Washington: We encouraged Washington voters to opt for establishing a fee on carbon emitted by the largest carbon polluters to protect climate sensitive wildlife like lynx by choosing Yes on 1631.
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