Hats Off to a Stalwart Champion for America’s Streams

Last week, Trout Unlimited announced that Steve Moyer, our long-time clean water colleague was elected to the National Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame.

Steve Moyer, right, was recently named to the National Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame for his work to restore fish habitat across the country.
As TU President and CEO Chris Wood said, no one is more deserving of this honor than Steve, Trout Unlimited’s vice president for government affairs. From the salmon and steelhead streams of the Pacific Northwest to Maine’s Penobscot River, Steve has brought together allies and partners to reopen thousands of miles of salmon and trout habitat.

Steve is quick to herald the important role of clean water and healthy headwater streams to productive coldwater fisheries. The “Rodney Dangerfields” of waters, he calls them. They are so important, but “they don’t get enough respect.”

In addition to his long list of accomplishments on behalf of trout, salmon, and clean water, Steve has been a great model of civil, principled, and effective advocacy. Several of us here at National Wildlife Federation have worked with Steve for decades to protect clean, cold streams and fish habitat. We worked with Steve in his years here at NWF, and we worked with Steve in his years at TU. We are all better at what we do for having worked along-side him.

So, hats off to our stalwart champion for America’s streams!

And, thank goodness, Steve is not resting on his laurels. As he says, “let’s all remember, there is a lot of work left to be done.”

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Published: February 21, 2014