Mary Jo Brooks

Suddenly, the Fight to Protect Sage Grouse Becomes Very Real

At 4:15 AM, we stumbled out of our Rock Springs, Wyoming motel rooms to begin our search for sage grouse.  We were greeted with several pots of strong coffee in … Read more

Energy Dominance Misses the Mark, Damages Our Wild Public Lands

This week, Acting Secretary David Bernhardt begins confirmation hearings to officially take over the top job at the Department of the Interior, the agency responsible for stewarding our country’s wild … Read more

Changes to Conservation Plans Imperil the Greater Sage-Grouse

Stretching across the western United States, an immense sagebrush sea provides a home for some 350 different plant and animal species, including mule deer, golden eagles, antelope and elk.  The … Read more

Four Ways to Restore the Public’s Faith in Interior

The Secretary of the Interior is a singular leader within our government—responsible for safeguarding our iconic public lands, honoring our tribal commitments, protecting our wildlife heritage, and stewarding our shared … Read more

How the Shutdown Impacts National Parks & Wildlife

Many of America’s most beloved national parks are paying a high price during this latest government shutdown. Overflowing garbage cans, unplowed roads and shuttered visitors centers are the direct result … Read more

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