The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) is excited to share a new resource on a technology that has the potential to help us in our fight against climate change. This technology … Read more
Sarah Kallgren

From Climate Anxiety to Climate Action: The Impacts of Climate Change on Youth
What is Climate Anxiety? Climate anxiety refers to the emotional and psychological distress that comes from heightened concern about the effects of climate change and is rooted in an uncertainty … Read more

Removing Carbon Emissions from the Air
Direct Air Capture (DAC) is a climate tool that removes carbon dioxide from the ambient air. Since our natural carbon sinks like forests and oceans are overwhelmed, excess emissions have … Read more

The Importance of Environmental Monitoring
On a sunny February afternoon, NWF’s senior industrial policy specialist, Dr. Simone H. Stewart, and I drove down a winding Louisiana road that led to a boathouse on Pass Manchac, … Read more

Communities Should Have a Say in Energy Projects
Upon the passing of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act, the Department of Energy (DOE) received an unprecedented amount of funding, $97 billion, for federal investments in … Read more

Weighing Carbon: Understanding Global Emissions
Scientists and media around the world constantly cite our need to reduce our global greenhouse gas emissions. But how do we take this abstract measurement of carbon emissions and turn … Read more