Garden for Wildlife

Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama celebrates Community Wildlife Habitat Certification

It seemed only appropriate that the community of Monte Sano in Huntsville, Alabama chose Earth Day to celebrate their recent certification as the first National Wildlife Federation Community Wildlife Habitat® in the … Read more

Backyard Wildlife Color of the Week: YELLOW

Enjoy these beautiful photos of backyard wildlife that are all or partially yellow. Read more

Why are Native Plants so Important?

I am often asked why native plants are becoming so popular, and why we’re reading and hearing so much about them these days. I think it’s part of a larger “green movement” that we’re experiencing in our country today. People are becoming more aware and better educated about our environment through organizations like the National Wildlife Federation. There seems to be a sincere desire to live in such a way that our impact on the environment is lessened. Read more

Backyard Wildlife Color of the Week: BLUE

Enjoy these beautiful photos of backyard wildlife that are all or partially blue. Read more

What Is a Native Plant?

What is a native plant? That may sound like an easy question but it isn’t. There are almost as many different definitions as people you ask. Our environment is an extremely elaborate system, with endless inner connections between its parts and that makes it impossible to speak in generalizations. Definitions will always vary depending on the way people or groups of people want to interact with nature. Read more

#Squirrels4good and Your Nature Favorites

We all have them: certain wildlife visitors that bring us joy and excitement when we happen to see them. I think it’s important to celebrate not only the animals that inspire … Read more

Backyard Wildlife Color of the Week: RED

Enjoy these beautiful photos of backyard wildlife that are all or partially red. Read more

“Hey Girl,” Goslings Celebrate Garden for Wildlife Month

In the spirit of Garden for Wildlife Month here at the National Wildlife Federation, we couldn’t help but share some of our own wild animal babies that just hatched in … Read more

Rufous Hummingbird in Flight

Ten Amazing Things About the World’s Tiniest Backyard Birds

Hummingbirds are a definite favorite for so many North American wildlife gardeners, and after you voted last month these tiny wonders have a special place of honor during our Garden … Read more

Ruby-throated hummingbird by Bud Hensley

Four Tips For Attracting Hummingbirds

Here in the MidAtlantic region, ruby-throated hummingbirds are just starting to show up, returning from their wintering grounds in Central America and Mexico to breed across much of eastern North … Read more