Great Lakes Regional Center

Great Blue Heron covered in oil from the Enbridge oil spill in Kalamazoo, Michigan

The Great Lakes: New Dumping Ground for Tar Sands Oil

This past week, Enbridge officially announced plans to expand the Lakehead Pipeline system in an effort to pump even more tar sands oil through the Great Lakes. This announcement comes nearly … Read more

Weekly News Roundup – May 11, 2012

Want to know what National Wildlife Federation was up to this week? Here is a recap of the week’s NWF news: Great Lakes Remain Vulnerable to New Wave of Dangerous … Read more

Why We Should Pay Attention to Oil Pipelines

On July 25th, 2010, the Great Lakes region experienced one of the largest oil spills in Midwest history—and it was from a pipeline buried underneath the ground. Almost two years after the spill, the pressing question is whether laws governing oil pipelines protect the Great Lakes Basin and its communities from more spills. Read more

The Current Battle For Lake Erie

The Battle of Lake Erie was a pivotal naval engagement between British and American forces during the War of 1812.  The American victory paved the way for control of the … Read more

Of Puppies and Polar Bears

As we continue to celebrate National Wildlife Week it was also brought to my attention that today is National Puppy Day. For some of us, our love for wildlife is … Read more

EPA official says feds are winning Asian carp war

The federal government is winning the battle to keep Asian carp from reaching the Great Lakes, according to an Obama Administration official. Cameron Davis, the Obama Administration’s point person on … Read more

Groups Call on EPA to End Harmful Shipping Practices

There are many reasons to hate the ‘80s: Big hair, bad music and acid-washed jeans. The 1980s were also a notoriously bad decade for the Great Lakes. That’s when ocean … Read more

Danger: Thin Great Lakes Ice

Great Lakes Ice Cover All of us in the Great Lakes region (and perhaps other regions also) are either enjoying or fretting over what is such a mild winter. Air … Read more

Healing Our Waters Program moves Great Lakes Restoration Forward

The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) has been a critical boost to restoring the Great Lakes. It has already led to significant results – restoring wetland habitats and removing contaminated … Read more

Study offers a solution to Asian carp crisis facing the Great Lakes

The debate over how best to halt the movement of Asian carp and other invasive species between the Great Lakes and Mississippi River basin will likely reach a fever pitch … Read more