
A dark brown/black reptile with shiny skin rests on a large rock.

PennFuture Moves Pennsylvania Forward

Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future (PennFuture) is the Pennsylvania Affiliate of the National Wildlife Federation. We are thrilled to highlight the work of PennFuture and the unique challenges and approaches they … Read more

Critters That Will Give You Costume Goals

Halloween is the one time of year when we can dress up and become someone or something else. During this supernatural time of year, many of us put a lot … Read more

The Eastern hellbender

Three Steps to Supercharge Your Bedtime Stories with Wildlife

It waits in the dark, beady-eyed and skulking under the shadow of a flat river rock. Wrinkled, murky gray-green-brown, the beast oozes slime in the shallows, ready to lunge at … Read more

What the Hellbender? Salamander Joins Endangered Species List

Despite the devilish name, Hellbenders are harmless salamanders. They live in the Ozarks near cool, clean rivers and streams with lots of rocks.  Unfortunately, the fresh water species is being … Read more