Colleges and universities love a good rivalry with another school, whether competing in academics, sports, best food, or prettiest campus — and now, energy and resource savings. Add school pride and innate love of competition to students’ desire to make the world a better place and you get over 40 schools participating in the first ever Campus Conservation Nationals! Read more
Sustainability Offices
Green Jobs Summit Series Kicks Off to a Great Start
Yesterday was a big day for Campus Ecology; the “Preparing the Texas Workforce for the New Green Economy” Summit in San Antonio, Texas was a huge success. It was the first in a series of regional summits put on by the Greenforce Initiatve that NWF and Jobs for the Future (JFF) have jointly created to help spur green jobs education, innovation and training at community colleges in select regions across the country. Read more
Colleges & Universities Share Advice on Financing On-Campus Renewable Energy Installations at AASHE
At the AASHE Conference campus leaders from diverse backgrounds gathered to share their knowledge, experience and advice on a variety of topics — among them the perennial question of “I want to help my campus adopt sustainable energy practices, but how do I pay for it?” Read more
RePaper Project helps Campuses Step Up Climate Protection Via Waste Reduction and Paper Recycling
This fall, help your campus move beyond simple paper recycling and take climate and sustainability practices to the next level. The RePaper Project, an initiative of the Environmental Paper Network, has released a new comprehensive tool designed to facilitate that process. The guide, entitled Paper Steps on Campus: 9 Steps to Protecting the Climate and Reducing Waste through Campus Paper Policies and compiled in partnership with the National Wildlife Federation and Recycling Organizations of North America, is an essential resource even for colleges and universities that have already begun implementing sustainability initiatives on campus. Read more
Take the Lead For Green – 10 Ways to be an Eco-Leader On Your Campus This Year
A new school year is a time of many changes, which makes it a perfect time to build new habits, get rid of old ones, and encourage those around us to do the same. There are many ways to be an environmental leader on campus, and some of theA most effective of them are easier than might be expected. From residence halls to recreation activities, most colleges and universities (even the eco-friendly ones) are full of opportunities for increased sustainability. Here are 10 ways that anyone– student, faculty, or campus liason – can help their campus “go green” in 2010-2011. Read more
One Minute to Midnight: Educating for Action
Responsibility is in the air at this weekend’s Bioneers conference. The attendees are, by and large, concerned about the impact they and their organizations exert on a stressed planet, and … Read more
QOTD: How Sustainability Rankings Influence the University
On the heels of our earlier post on sustainability rankings comes this quote from Charlotte Strem, interim director of physical and environmental planning at the University of California's Office of … Read more
New rankings show prominence of sustainability
The Sustainable Endowments Institute's new green rankings are out, and there is some good news: With all the focus on sustainability in higher education over the past few years, grades … Read more
Rudders on the Rudder: Thinking Beyond Master Planning
We talk a lot about climate and the environment here at Campus Ecology, but the truth is that long-term sustainability requires more than ecological considerations. If a school is carbon-neutral, … Read more
Chill Out goes to Hollywood!
Our Chill Out: Campus Solutions to Global Warming program has been nominated for an award from The Imagen Foundation for its positive portrayals of Latinos and Latino culture in entertainment. … Read more