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Not Just for Tree Huggers Anymore
National Wildlife Federation has joined a powerful group of business, economic and conservation leaders calling for swift and substantial action to confront global warming. Called the U.S. Climate Action Partnership, it includes some names that might surprise you – General Motors, Johnson & Johnson, PepsiCo, ConocoPhillips, Dow Chemical, John Deere, Marsh and Shell Oil are but a few of the new members who have joined forces to urge the federal government to quickly enact strong legislation to achieve significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.
Why, you might ask, would NWF join a coalition primarily of business interests, many of which are from industries that benefit from a fossil fuel-based world?
Because the world is changing and our common future hangs in the balance. The leaders of these and other major corporations recognize that global warming is an unprecedented threat to the economy and the environment, and they share my desire for the U.S. to develop common sense solutions to this most uncommon threat – a threat that is the defining issue of the 21st century.
Today’s announcement is a major milestone in the effort to confront global warming. With its new members, USCAP companies together have total revenues of $1.7 trillion, a collective workforce of more than 2 million and operations in all 50 states. These leaders have joined the growing clamor from across the country for national legislation using market forces to slow, stop and reverse the growth of global warming pollution. We all agree that Congress must establish mandatory emission targets to reduce U.S.greenhouse gas levels by 10-30 percent below today’s levels within 15 years, and a 60-80 percent reduction by 2050.
Clearly, global warming has become a top priority in corporate America. USCAP members and other industry leaders know that what’s good for the environment is also good for the economy.
I think it bodes well for the future that conservation and business interests are working together to develop the right solutions that protect our children, our energy future and the natural world we all share and cherish.