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Victory in Surprise Global Warming Vote
The clearest sign yet that our work to move Congress is paying off was the defeat last night of an amendment to the budget bill that would have put Congress on record that we should hold off on enacting global warming cap-and-trade legislation to reduce America’s global warming pollution until China and India take more action.
Fortunately the amendment was defeated with 61 votes opposing. The vote is only a skirmish, and does not get into the substantive positions that we will need to get across the finish line. But it indicates a significant swing in momentum in Congress. As you know, it takes 51 votes to pass legislation, but will take 60 votes to overcome the expected filibuster for the Climate Security Act. In the last climate vote two years ago, only 38 Senators supported the less ambitious McCain-Lieberman bill. Ten years ago, the Senator unanimously (95-0) voted to support a motion by Sen. Byrd (D-WV) that suggested the U.S. should not act before China and India.
To see how your Senators voted on the Demint amendment
To see how they voted on the Boxer amendment