We have much more to do and your continued support is needed now more than ever.
Island Nation Going Under While Our Lawmakers Delay
The president of Kiribati said today his country may already be doomed by climate change.
At international meetings on climate change this week, President Anote Tong listened in frustration while other countries argued that it would hurt their countries’ economic development.
But for the citizens of Kiribati, it’s an issue of survival. Under the worst case scenario, Kiribati will be submerged by the end of the century, and its 92,000 residents will have to be resettled.
The Climate Security Act being debated today would set the stage for an effective global agreement and provide assistance to the most vulnerable nations that need assistance to deal with climate change damage.
The Senate is debating the Climate Security Act RIGHT NOW, with an expected vote Friday June 6, at 10 am EST.
The number one thing you can do to stop the worst impacts of climate change is to call your Senator today and ask him/her to strengthen the Climate Security Act.