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ClimateEdu: Youth Activism, Hydrogen Cars, and more
Our latest issue is live. Here are today's headlines:
Youth Activists Making Their Voices Heard at Climate Talks
Joann Klimkiewicz
At climate talks in Poznan, young delegates from across the world added their voices to
the debate, demanding that the global dialogue be refocused on the survival of
civilizations and ecosystems.
Hydrogen: Just a Lot of Hot Gas?
Paul Tolme
Humboldt State’s new hydrogen-powered car and fueling station
are part of a university-led effort to wean America off gasoline. But is
hydrogen the fuel of tomorrow or yesterday’s hype? ClimateEdu goes for a ride to find out.
Service Learning Takes a Climate Approach
Courtney Cochran
A Warren Wilson College project addresses a climate challenge that lies beyond campus, taking advantage of the school's work program and service learning components to help local residents energy-proof their homes.
PERSPECTIVE: Recession is the Mother of Invention
Rachel Barge
As legislators make hard cuts to their budgets, education administrators
hunker down on campus spending, particularly when it comes to so-called
“luxury” sustainability programs. To compensate, student organizers and campus
sustainability professionals are turning to new funding sources to implement
vital campus sustainability initiatives.
ClimateEdu, published by National Wildlife Federation's Campus Ecology program, offers news, best practice analysis, events, resources, and opportunities for climate leadership on campus. To subscribe to our twice-monthly e-newsletter or read our archives, visit the homepage: ClimateEdu: News for the Green Campus.