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Crist Accepts NWF Award, Asks GOP to Step Up on Clean Energy
National Wildlife Federation President & CEO Larry Schweiger presented Gov. Charlie Crist yesterday with NWF’s Conservation Achievement Award for Government. Gov. Crist has helped position Florida as a leader in addressing climate change and protecting the environment:
“We must take action in our lifetime to protect Florida’s treasures – from the Everglades and the white-sand beaches to the crystal clear springs – so that future generations can experience the Florida we love,” said Governor Crist. “I am honored to be an advocate for Florida’s environment, and I am committed to continuing the work we have done over the past two years to keep the Sunshine State beautiful.”
Larry Schweiger, president and chief executive officer of the National Wildlife Federation, presented Governor Crist with the award during a luncheon today. The award recognizes Governor Crist for his leadership in environmental conservation, including his role in encouraging the South Florida Water Management District’s recent approval of the historic land purchase deal, in which the district will buy 180,000 acres of land to clean, store and move water going into Everglades National Park. NWF leaders also lauded Governor Crist’s commitment to reducing Florida’s greenhouse gases and increasing energy efficiency.
“With political courage and unmatched resolve, Governor Crist has single-handedly positioned Florida as a leader in the fight against global warming,” said Schweiger. “It is an honor to recognize him with NWF’s Conservation Achievement Award for Government.”
Gov. Crist drew some attention for comments he made as he accepted the award, saying of the push for a new clean energy economy that “There are many in my party that haven’t come to this dance.”