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Standing Up for the Roan Plateau
In a recent Men’s Journal article, U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar described the Roan Plateau in Colorado as “one of those treasured landscapes of America,” and “a place where we have fish and wildlife resources, beautiful streams.”
Yet unfortunately, the previous administration opted to lease the last untouched piece of the Roan Plateau — a whopping 55,000 acres — for natural gas development.
On top of the plateau, the leaseholder also wants to drill 3,200 wells– a dramatic increase from the environmental-impact analysis that accounted for just 210 drilling pads.
BUT, all hope is not yet lost!
When the Bureau of Land Management leased these lands in August 2008, they faced an outcry from diverse groups opposing the deal.
In addition to wildlife and nature enthusiasts — hunters, fisherman and even ranchers sent out resolutions to preserve the area they admired for its striking shale cliffs, streams full of cutthroat troat, and healthy populations of elk and mule deer.
With a new administration we have a new chance to make sure the voice for protection of the Roan is loud and clear.
Right now, Secretary Salazar has the opportunity to cancel these leases before drilling threatens the biologically diverse area that he also so clearly admires.