Pope Calls for Global Climate Treaty in 2010


Strong words from the leader of the Catholic faith:

Pope Benedict XVI denounced the failure of world leaders to agree to a new climate change treaty in Copenhagen last month, saying Monday that world peace depends on safeguarding God’s creation. […]

Benedict has been dubbed the ”green pope” for his increasingly vocal concern about the need to protect the environment. Under his watch, the Vatican has installed photovoltaic cells on its main auditorium to convert sunlight into electricity and has joined a reforestation project aimed at offsetting its CO2 emissions.

For the pontiff, it’s a moral issue: Church teaching holds that man must respect creation because it’s destined for the benefit of humanity’s future.

Benedict’s words certainly hold true across all peoples and faiths — we have a moral responsibility to act now to protect our children & grandchildren, wildlife and natural resources from the worst effects of global warming.

The pontiff concluded by calling for a treaty “this year.” Will the world’s political leaders come through?

Photo via Wikimedia Commons

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Published: January 11, 2010