Dirty Air Act Backers Feeling the Heat

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) already took a public drubbing when she introduced the so-called Dirty Air Act. Now, three more senators are in the line of fire for co-sponsoring her bill. The “resolution of disapproval” is designed to strip the Environmental Protection Agency of its Congressionally-granted, Supreme Court-approved authority to regulate global warming pollution under the Clean Air Act.

The Sierra Club rolled out a new radio ad in Arkansas criticizing Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR):

“Not only has Senator Lincoln helped stall comprehensive clean energy and climate legislation, now she wants to take us backwards and gut the Clean Air Act too,” said Carl Pope, Sierra Club Executive Director. “Senator Lincoln’s actions could prevent President Obama from protecting the well-documented threats to public health and welfare presented by global warming pollution. The legislation she supports would bail out Big Oil by halting the president’s plans to save 1.8 billion barrels of oil by increasing fuel economy standards and would also prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from cleaning up dirty coal plants and other big polluters like oil refineries. Senator Lincoln’s constituents ought to ask her why she wants to help Big Oil and out-of-state coal companies to the detriment of the clean energy businesses and natural gas industry that are actually creating jobs in her home state.”

And in Nebraska, the National Wildlife Federation Action Fund is going on the air with an ad critical of Senators Ben Nelson (D-NE) and Mike Johanns (R-NE):

“Senators Nelson and Johanns need to drop this misguided assault on the Clean Air Act, an attack that’s being coordinated by lobbyists for some of America’s worst polluters,” said Sue Brown, executive director of the National Wildlife Federation Action Fund. “Our senators need to get to work instead on clean energy and climate legislation that creates clean energy jobs and secures America’s energy future.”

Listen to the NWF Action Fund ad:


Please contact your Senators right now and ask them to stand against this polluter-backed attack on the clean air America’s citizens & wildlife depend on.