We have much more to do and your continued support is needed now more than ever.
Keep The Pressure On The Senate For All 72 Hours!
We’re more than 24 hours into the 72 Hours for Clean American Power campaign. This photo shows two young climate activists in Minot, South Dakota calling their senators.
So what are you hearing so far? Personally, by far the number one thing I’m hearing from contacts across the country is that phone lines are jammed. Be patient! If the line is busy, call back. If you get voicemail but want to talk to a real person, don’t be afraid to try again.
Here are a couple of other tidbits I’ve heard:
“I had a friend who owns a green business call in and Sen. Casey’s aide was so impressed with his story that she wants to have a meeting with him. He related how his business is tripling every year and would grow even bigger with a price and cap on carbon.”
“Called Sen. Begich & Murkowski’s offices via the NWF action alert. Both said they’ve received a LOT of calls on this this week but did not have a specific number. Murkowski staffer said there is agreement that something needs to be done; challenge is not increasing the debt more because govt is spending a lot of money. I noted the concern but pointed out that climate bills under discussion have added zero to the debt. Begich staffer was glad to be hearing so much about it.”
To participate, all you need to do is enter your contact information in the box below. We’ll call you, and after a few instructions, connect you directly with your senator’s office. Every call makes a difference!
Once you’ve completed your call, let us know what you heard in the comments below. Thanks for helping fight for clean energy & climate legislation in 2010!