Guest post by Carey Stanton

GreySquirrelPortrait_DavidFriel_219x219The National Wildlife Federation has teamed up with the makers of the family comedy Furry Vengeance to educate children about the importance of getting outdoors and protecting wildlife.

Furry Vengeance is a hilarious new feature film for the entire family starring Brendan Fraser as a real estate developer whose latest project threatens the habitats of local forest creatures. The woodland critters, who don’t want their homes disturbed, seek comical revenge by turning a peaceful neighborhood into a battlefield of epic proportions. The film opens nationwide on April 30.

To learn about animals and their natural habitats, parents, kids and teachers can download a free activity guide that features quizzes, games and suggestions for eco-action.

The guide encourages individuals to explore their community, observe the living things they encounter and take action to protect wildlife in their backyard, schoolyard or neighborhood.

Here are 5 fun ways your family can start helping wildlife right now:

FV_NWF_180x1801. Track wildlife sightings in your area through NWF’s Wildlife Watch program. Look for signs of wildlife, note the plants and insects you see and record your observations online.

2. Make a scrapbook with photos and drawings of all the different animals and tracks you see in your neighborhood. Create a Certified Wildlife Habitat®, and your yard will be a haven for many more kinds of creatures.

3. Ask your kids, “When was your last time you encountered wildlife in our neighborhood?” Have them tell the real story and then make up an outrageous story together about the animal you saw.

4. After you see the movie Furry Vengeance, talk to your kids about how the animal characters act like (and not like) real wild animals. Kids can visit Ranger Rick and his friends—and parents can turn to NWF’s wildlife library—to learn more about wildlife.

5. Help your children’s school become an Eco-School. Learn how to reduce energy and water use, decrease waste, and green your school grounds at