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Big Oil Bailout Vote Looks Likely By June 10
In the depths of a Great Recession and the likely decimation of Gulf Coast fishing, tourism and recreation industries caused by BP’s oil spill, the Senate thinks it’s time for a vote on a “Big Oil Bailout?”
Sadly, it looks increasingly like Senator Lisa Murkowski will move her Big Oil Bailout, also dubbed the “Dirty Air Act,” on the Senate floor in the coming days.
Her resolution, SJ Res 26, basically voids the 2007 Supreme Court decision authorizing EPA to begin regulating polluters, such as refineries processing oil or utilities burning coal. It would guarantee that we give a free pass to polluters who are dumping–everyday-their harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere as if it were oil into sea.
The Senate vote on the Murkowski resolution is a chance for the Senate to take a stand against Big Oil. You can help! Visit NWF’s Action Page and write your Senator, asking him or her to vote NO to the Big Oil Bailout.