We have much more to do and your continued support is needed now more than ever.
Winds of Change
Will 2011 be the year offshore wind comes to Maryland? With the start of a new legislative session, clean energy advocates across the state are working hard to make it happen – and you can help.
On Wednesday, January 12 at 11am, supporters of the National Wildlife Federation and partner groups will be greeting legislators as they begin their first day of work at the State House in Annapolis to ensure that they know offshore wind is a top priority in 2011. Participants will receive free t-shirts and offshore wind materials to distribute.
RSVP to join this important day of action for Maryland’s future.
This event continues the growing momentum for offshore wind in Maryland. Last month, over 300 noted leaders and grassroots activists came together on a cold Saturday in Annapolis for the 1st Citizen’s Conference on Offshore Wind Power. Steelworkers and environmentalists sat next to business leaders to make the case for the good jobs and clean power that will be made possible through offshore wind, ending with a colorful march to the State House steps.

Maryland’s offshore wind potential was also highlighted in the National Wildlife Federation’s recent report, “Offshore Wind in the Atlantic: Growing Momentum for Jobs, Energy Independence, Clean Air, and Wildlife Protection.” The report provides an analysis of current projects, policy initiatives, and wind potential, as well as details on the benefits of offshore wind to create green energy jobs, improve air and water quality, and reduce global warming pollution.
The U.S. Department of Energy has classified Maryland as having outstanding offshore wind resources. Offshore wind could satisfy 2/3 of the state’s current energy needs. That is why Marylanders are calling on state leaders to transition to a clean energy economy now.
Send a message to your Maryland state legislators urging them to support offshore wind in 2011.
Similar grassroots efforts are being mirrored up and down the Atlantic coast. The National Wildlife Federation is working with a broad coalition of partners to build momentum and support for the rapid, responsible development of our offshore wind energy resources. It is time to get moving on this critical component of our clean energy future.
Please visit the NWF website to learn more about clean energy and offshore wind.