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Constituents or Lobbyists: Who Do House Leaders Represent?

The U.S. House of Representatives today takes up a bill that would halt endangered species listings, block Clean Water Act protections, and gut the Clean Air Act. Why would any member of Congress support it?
As National Wildlife Federation President and CEO Larry Schweiger said today, the House’s fiscal year 2012 Interior and Environment Appropriations would be a giveaway to big polluters:
From politically-motivated budget tricks to policy riders that have nothing to do with the deficit, this bill contains dozens of attacks on America’s wildlife, air, water, and public health. Poll after poll has shown that strong majorities of voters across party lines – Democrats, Republicans, and independents – stand together against the House leadership’s attacks on America’s longstanding national commitment to protecting the air we breathe and the water we drink. It’s fair to ask who members of Congress supporting this massive overreach are representing – their constituents or polluter lobbyists?
This legislation would take every single American backwards. If a child in your family suffers from asthma, you should oppose this bill. If you’re a sportsman, a wildlife lover, or value America’s national parks, you should oppose this bill. If you think your vehicle should carry your family further every time you pay for a tank of gas, you should oppose this bill.
From Puget Sound to the Chesapeake Bay to your own backyard, ClimateProgress.org has a list of the top 10 American vacation spots the bill could harm.
The National Wildlife Federation’s staff is working to fight this attack and we need your help. Please take a moment to ask your members of Congress to vote down this reckless bill.