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Weekly News Roundup – April 19, 2013
Want to know what National Wildlife Federation was up to this week? Here is a recap of the week’s NWF news:
Three Years Later, Panhandle Leaders Say Gulf Restoration Could Be Economic Boon
April 18-On the eve of the three-year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon explosion, five prominent Floridians called for investing money from the federal oil spill penalties into restoring the ecosystem of the Gulf Coast.
For more information on the state of the Gulf, check out the report Restoring A Degraded Gulf of Mexico.
Three Years Later: BP Still Needs to be Held Accountable
April 18-Three years ago, on April 20, the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded and killed 11 workers. Two days later, the rig sank. Before BP finally capped the well, months later, 206 million gallons of oil had been released along with huge quantities of hydrocarbon gases.
Larry Schweiger, president and CEO of the National Wildlife Federation, said today:
“Nearly three years later, the impacts of the Gulf oil disaster continue to unfold. Dolphins and sea turtles are still dying in high numbers. Just this month scientists announced the spill’s underwater oil plume caused a massive die-off of creatures at the base of the Gulf’s food web. It’s clear that we will not know the full fallout from the disaster for years.
“BP needs to be held fully accountable. The outcome of the ongoing trial must send an unmistakable signal to every oil company that cutting corners on safety is simply not a smart thing to do.
For more on the Gulf 3 year mark, check out the blog Deepwater Horizon: The Disaster that Keeps on Harming.
And now here are highlights from NWF in the news:
- Reuters: First phase of BP spill trial comes to an end
- UPI: Protesters Show up at BP trial to mark 3rd anniversary of spill
- Parenthood.com: Why Outdoor Play Is Important For Kids
- Times-Picayune: BP oil spill trial continues as demonstrators note upcoming 3-year anniversary of disaster
- UPI: Work remains to clean BP spill, says NWF
- Hartford Courant: Deep River Congregational Church Joins the National Wildlife Federation in “Branching Out for Wildlife”
- The Plaquemines Gazette: Saving what’s left
- Environment News Service: Keystone XL Pipeline “All Risk, No Reward” State Dept. Told
For more visit www.nwf.org/news